Press Release – NanoQI mid-term progress
To celebrate the first half of the NanoQI project, Fraunhofer FEP published its first press release, detailing the scope of the project and the achievements of the first half of the project.

“NanoQI will be the first consortium to optimize and multimodally combine X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and X-ray reflectometry (XRR) with novel hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology to provide industry access to real-time assessment of nano-dimensions, structure and morphology of thin film nanomaterials, as well as correlative imaging of their homogeneity and defects.”
Upon project mid-term in September 2021, the project partners were able to commission and assemble the first instrument prototypes, that have now been installed and integrated at all the demo sites.
Using the partners’ expertise, the project will now continue with the integration of the HSI components and with using machine learning algorithms to analyze the large volumes of data generated in the measurements.
Read more details about the progress in NanoQI here: